Sveicieni no Addis Abebas!
Jā, Tu uzminēji pareizi, tas ir Etiopijā. Ir agrs rīts, krāmēju mugursomu un prātoju, kā vienkāršāk tikt laukā no lielpilsētas. — Izlasi 4 min.
Just like the three musketeers and D’Artagnan with their motto “One for all and all for one” there are four of us in West Africa: our driver, common sense and pathfinder Justice, Oskars who oftentimes gets called millionaire by the Latvian mass media as if that was a profession or craftsmanship, the math teacher Jeff who saved me from an attack of wild dogs last year in Cape Coast, and I. We make up a very balanced team, not unified by a noble cause or other nonsense so popular in literature. We have joined forces for one purpose only - to drive around Ghana and explore lesser known regions near the country’s border with Burkinafaso, Ivory Coast and Togo — Izlasi 24 min.
Āfrikā katra diena ir tik gara kā mājās pavadītas vairākas dienas, bet sīkāk par to Rietumāfrikas ekspedīcijas dienasgrāmatā. — Izlasi 19 min.